The better way's blog!

Yes, it's me, banana439monkey and this is my blog.

News: 09/11/15

Hey everyone! It's me! So, news... LEGO OS is going to come out, hopefully in 2016. I am doing the Hour of Code on scratch (if you don't know what that is, hop over to here). Also on the news: What's happened with the SVU? I've loved it! Plus, I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait............ I CAN'T WAIT!!! My 1st scratchaversary on the 11th! I am going to make an account that will be separate... it will be called LEGO_OS. Much more stuff will be coming like LEGO OS v2.5 and the move to banana349monkey.

That's all for now! Scratch on!